All adults volunteering with children and vulnerable persons are required to have a Virtus account and complete our online Safe Environment which includes a Protecting God's Children course and a background check which you will renew every five years.
This training consists of video segments, questions, and a review of diocesan policies.
All active diocesan employees, coaches, and volunteers, the registrant will be required to complete a 35-minute online module titled A Plan to Protect 4.0 as part of the process.
If you have VIRTUS training from another diocese, contact the VIRTUS helpdesk 1-888-847-8870 to have your VIRTUS account transferred from your previous diocese to the Diocese of St. Augustine. Once the account has been transferred, please notify our office.
New Virtus User click INSTRUCTION FOR NEW VIRTUS USERS button below.
Current Virtus Users click CURRENT VIRTUS USERS button below to log into your current account. You can find a "password reset" and "I need login help" link on the page.
You can also call the Virtus Help Desk at 1-888-847-8870. DO NOT CREATE A SECOND/DUPLICATE ACCOUNT.
Background Re-Check Only (These can take eight to fourteen days to return to us.)
Our K-8 families of Annunciation have a service hour requirement:
The first 12 hours must be completed before December 15. The second 12 hours must be completed before May 15. We appreciate additional hours served but still require the required hours each semester. Late fees will apply at the end of December and May for any unpaid balances.
Families are required to serve at least three of their twelve service hours volunteering with our annual golf tournament/Festival of Angels. We will have several ways listed on our website and in our newsletter of ways to complete these hours.
We have many working families, single-parent families, and those who work nights. We have something for everyone. You do not have to be cleared through the SAFE Environment Program to get your required family service hours.
If you feel you cannot complete your service hour commitment, please contact the office for suggestions several weeks in advance of the deadline.
To log your hours, log into your Family Portal. Go to "Family" and pick the name of the person who did the service from the middle drop-down area. Click on the "+" sign and fill in the form to add your hours. Don't forget to save. The verified portion is only if we manually add something from the office. The sign-in computer does NOT sync with your Family Portal. You must log your hours.
Working with students requires Safe clearance. (Clearance is needed when you are on campus working around students. All others do not require clearance.)
Thank you for your help. We hope you enjoy your time with our students as much as we do!