Summer Office Hours
9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Monday- Thursday (come at least an hour before closing for shopping.)
Office Hours During the School Year
7:00 am- 2:15 pm and 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm. We are closed from 2:15-3:00 for dismissal.
Phones will be on night service during this time. If you cannot pick your child up on time, they will automatically go to Extended Day.
Early dismissals need to be conducted before 2:15.
If you must come on campus after school is dismissed, you may wait in the pavilion or parking lot until the end of dismissal.
The decision to declare an emergency closing due to inclement weather will be made by the Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of St. Augustine. The superintendent will remain in constant contact with the county’s emergency services to determine the safest course of action for all the schools. When a decision is made to close the school, you will be notified by email and through our Parent Alert System.
Updates on closing and re-openings will be on the diocesan website as well. (
Lightning Protocol
If you are not receiving our text alerts, text "start" to 317065.
The Legal Stuff
Terms & Conditions:
By Providing your consent, you are enrolling in our Parent Alert System. A subscription to the alerts is not required to create your account. Message frequency should be once a week, but may vary. Message and data rates may apply. You may opt out at any time by texting STOP.
Privacy Policy:
Information gathered in the SMS campaign will not be shared with Third Parties or Affiliates for Marketing Purposes.
To view a video showing how the Family Portal works, please use this link. The password to view this video is Portal.
To view a video on how to create your Family Portal, please use this link. The password to view this video is Portal.
To access Family Portal, click Family Portal
If you have VIRTUS training from another diocese contact the VIRTUS helpdesk 1-888-847-8870 to have your VIRTUS account transferred from your previous diocese to the Diocese of St. Augustine. Once the account has been transferred please notify our office.
New Virtus User SetupThe Legal Stuff
Terms & Conditions:
By Providing your consent, you are enrolling in our Parent Alert System. A subscription to the alerts is not required to create your account. Message frequency should be once a week, but may vary. Message and data rates may apply. You may opt out at any time by texting STOP.
Privacy Policy:
Information gathered in the SMS campaign will not be shared with Third Parties or Affiliates for Marketing Purposes.
2024-2025 School Calendar (11/6/2024)
Kindergarten students dismiss at 11:45 on the first four days of school.
Extended day is NOT available for Kindergarten students these days.
Carline Traffic PatternCarline Visor Sign Template
MUSIC/CHOIR/BAND/DRAMA (Incoming Third Grade - Eighth Grade)
Recorder Order Form (Grades 3-4)
& Choir/Drama Form
(Grades 4-8)
7th & 8th GradeBand or Choir Form (must choose one)
Students are required to get AR points based on their incoming grades.
For example- Incoming first grade – 1 point, incoming second grade – 2 points, incoming eighth grade – 8 points
Students can pick or read books from the recommended reading list for their grade (linked below). Books should be close to the student’s reading level or grade level.
Summer Reading
AR tests may be taken from home at any time. The student’s username and password are the same as during the school year. AR Testing website is linked below. New families/students check your emails (look in your spam folder too) for your child(ren)'s login information.
The last date to take them is August 12, 2024.
AR Testing
Ensure you're clicking the orange "Accelerated Reader" button under "Practice."
To find out if a book is an AR book, use AR Bookfinder (linked below).
AR Bookfinder
Summer Math - (Incoming 2nd-Eighth Grade)
See the list below for each grade level's required Summer Math. The students' usernames and passwords are the same as they had during the school year. New families/students check your emails (look in your spam folder too) for your child(ren)'s login information.
The last date to complete them is August 12, 2024.
Use ctrl+F or their search bar to find the description or short code listed.
Summer Math
As we begin our summer break, one of the main concerns for teachers and parents alike is how to maintain student learning and achievement. We don’t want to fall into the “summer slump.”
For Reading, our AR website will be live to your student at home with their same username and password. Students can read books on their level and take tests beyond what is required on the Summer Reading List. Last year, we had a few students read more than 100 books just over the summer! With a little daily reading time set aside, what can your child achieve?
For Math, fact fluency is critical. Mastering basic facts allows students to move beyond computation to higher-level thinking skills. It simplifies the processes of solving word problems and increases accuracy. While IXL builds and reviews specific skills, it doesn’t give true repetitive practice.
To that end, ACS would like to recommend Time4MathFacts which is part of the Reflex Math program. Time4MathFacts is a research-based, adaptive, interactive program for mastering math facts. It monitors student progress and provides reports for parents. Time4MathFacts is a commitment of $40 to register your child, but this gives you access to the programs for a full year. While it is not required, we strongly encourage you to consider it for your child. Having automaticity with facts will provide your child with such an advantage!
If you are not able to commit to the $40, there are also free websites that allow for the practice of facts. Though it is not our school page, this school in New York has a great compilation of sites found here that focus on facts. We do, however, recommend the Time4MathFacts for consistency and monitoring, but any practice is beneficial!
Supply Lists (Incoming Pre-Kindergarten - Eighth Grade)
You must purchase both sections if you did not opt-in for the bulk option at registration. Everyone purchases the top half.
Pre-K/VPK Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh - Eighth
1) Log into your Family Portal Account.
2) From the main screen, click 'Student Information.'
3) Click 'Lunch' in the same section.
4) Click 'Create Web Order" at the top.
5) Select which days you would like an entree by scrolling down the page and putting the number of items in the QTY column. You do this for EACH child for each day of the week. NOTE: Do not order meals for all your children under one child's name. If you have multiple children, you will see tabs for each child. Please check carefully when ordering.
6) When done ordering, scroll to the bottom and click 'Order Items.' If lunch items are in blue on your lunch calendar on your PC or a black dot on your app, then lunches were ordered for that day.
7) The charges will now display (they do not bill until the next day) for the student on your Family Portal portal to be paid on the Family Billing screen. We suggest keeping a deposit in your account.
NOTE: Lunches are billed after they are eaten the day of. You can pay from your student billing page and even pay over the amount to have a credit on your account. You will have until 1:00 pm each school day to order for the next school day and until 1:00 pm on Friday to order for Monday. (For example, you need to order by 1:00 pm on August 12 for lunch on August 15.) You also need to order by 1:00 pm the school day before vacations to have lunch when we return.
If your child has an upcoming field trip or will not be in school, go back into your lunch menu and change the quantity to zero and then click "order items" to update. This must be done before the actual day of the lunch.
Balances are to be paid in full every month or you will receive a late fee and risk being shut off. We must pay the restaurants on delivery. We do not carry balances with them. This is why it helps to keep a deposit in your lunch account.
If your child is absent, their meal will be held in the refrigerator and given to them upon their return the next day. We cannot keep lunches for more than one day so this cannot be done for Friday lunches or holidays. It can also be given to a sibling, if applicable, to bring home. If you know before 1:00 pm that your child will not be in school for lunch the following day, you can go to your account and cancel lunch by clearing out the quantity on each item and hitting submit. We do not refund lunches.
PreK/VPK & PE Uniforms are available in the school office at $13 per piece ($26 an outfit)
As the Easter Season ends and the school year winds down, vacation begins. But it is not a vacation from our Catholic faith. How and where do families find spiritual enrichment during the summer months? While we are entering the Ordinary Time of the Church’s liturgical year, there is nothing ordinary about the feasts we have over the summer months that can be highlighted in the home.
Another important summertime feast is the Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus, celebrated this year on June 11th. We will be celebrating our annual Eucharistic Congress the two days prior to this feast. You will want to attend that as a family, taking part in the Mass, the Eucharistic Procession, and the speakers. On the actual feast day, plan some special family activities, announced ahead of time which culminate with a family meal using the good dishes. For more ideas:
Early Church history and tradition teach us that each day of the week has a theme that can help us celebrate Ordinary Time. During the summer months, consider these daily focus activities:
Sunday: Weekly Easter (take a flower walk, visit a fountain, review Baptism, color eggs,
Monday: Honor the Holy Angels (learn an angel prayer, converse with a guardian angel, do an angel craft
Tuesday: Honor the Apostles (memorize their names, learn the Act of faith, read Scripture, trace the missionary journeys found in Acts of the Apostles)
Wednesday: Honor St. Joseph (do a wood project, have a dad’s day with a special dad’s lunch, do a St. Joseph craft:
Thursday: Reverence of the Holy Eucharist (attend morning Mass, spend time with the Blessed Sacrament, reread the story of the Last Supper, make unleavened bread)
Friday: Meditate on Christ’s Passion and Death (make a small sacrifice, fast, banish family bickering, review the Stations of the Cross, and set up Stations around the house, here is a simple set: )
Saturday: Honor our Blessed Mother (make a Marian shrine, watch the Song of Bernadette, pray a rosary, memorize a new Mary prayer
Ordinary Time is just not so ordinary.
Sadlier 12 printable summer activities Offered in Spanish and English, free download
Sadlier: Make it a faith-filled summer resource book (free download)
Intentional Catholic Parenting Summer activities, helpful tips for parents